1.beliefs or opinions that most people accept to be correct
1.The received wisdom was that the former chancellor was the sole Tory heavyweight capable of landing blows on the government.
2.So when economists at the IMF question received wisdom and the fund's established views twice in a week, it is no small matter.
3.And when I tracked that received wisdom back to its source, I found that everything I had learned was just a poor educated guess .
4.What was it about you that made you more immune to all this received wisdom about ulcers?
5.His cocky contempt for authority led him to question received wisdom in ways that well-trained acolytes in the academy never contemplated.
6.Received wisdom has long held that the big guns of Fidesz and the Socialists would not fire on each other, for fear of retaliation.
7.Sometimes, these can be striking, and counterintuitive, challenging received wisdom.
8.IT IS received wisdom that humanity owes a lot of its evolutionary success to its remarkable ability to communicate.
9.Back in 2005 and 2006 received wisdom denied that the rapid growth of subprime mortgages was a problem.
10.the inflationary theory has since become cosmological received wisdom and forced astrophysicists to take particle physics seriously.